Thursday, December 17, 2015

Christmas Flashback 1988

2 bowling bowls & pins

I remember when I was at Sarah J. Rawson elementary school at the age of 10 in the 4th grade; they had after school activity for 4th, 5th, and 6th graders. Basically, it cost everyone $3.50 to go bowling and that included shoes and chances to win free Pizza, hot dogs, or soda whenever anyone who bowled made strikes (it was a lot of fun), and 3 bowling games. The school went bowling every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 3:30 PM- 5 PM. Anyway, Rawson along with all of the other Hartford elementary schools went to AMF Meadows Lanes in Hartford. I was trying to develop as a bowler because I was not that good. I will never forget December 25, 1988, I remember opening my present (an unexpected present) and I looked at it & it was a bowling bowl & 10 pins for kids ages 6-12. I was so excited & surprised at the same time! My mom & step-father surprised me with a wonderful gift like this on Christmas and I remember how grateful I was when I received it.