Saturday, December 24, 2016

Christmas Flashback 1985

Windsor, CT

Transformers Electric Train set 1985

Wow, where do I begin? My mom was a big help to a man (Brother John) was his name, who had taken Catechism 3 times at The Full Gospel Interdenominational Church in Downtown Manchester. The Pastor's daughter Sister Ellie gave Brother John my mom's contact information and Brother John was told that if he needed help to, "Call Yvonne if you need help." My mom did really well in Catechism. Brother John was at a very low point in his life, his wife filed for divorce & Brother John and his son didn't have a father-son relationship like most father's and son's have. My mom, my older brother, and me knew Sister Ellie and Brother John from The Full Gospel Interdenominational Church. Brother John called my mom for help because my mom was his only friend. My mom was the only person who could deal with Brother John and what he was going through. No one else could put up with Brother John and kept their distance from him. My mom helped Brother John pass Catechism after Brother John's third time taking that class.

Meanwhile, Brother John was very grateful so he showed his appreciation by inviting my mom, my older brother, and me to his house in Windsor for Christmas in 1985. I remember how awesome that Christmas was and how delicious the food was too! Brother John's son was over his house and I remember we exchanged gifts. I remember unwrapping my gift & when I opened it how excited and grateful I was to receive a train set. My mom taught us that when we are invited anywhere especially to people's house to be grateful that we was thought about to be invited because being grateful come along way & that was what I thinking when Brother John bought me that train set that year. People don't have to do anything for us but when they think enough of you to invite you to an event or do anything for you at all, you have to be appreciative because they didn't have to do that.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Christmas Flashback 1988

2 bowling bowls & pins

I remember when I was at Sarah J. Rawson elementary school at the age of 10 in the 4th grade; they had after school activity for 4th, 5th, and 6th graders. Basically, it cost everyone $3.50 to go bowling and that included shoes and chances to win free Pizza, hot dogs, or soda whenever anyone who bowled made strikes (it was a lot of fun), and 3 bowling games. The school went bowling every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 3:30 PM- 5 PM. Anyway, Rawson along with all of the other Hartford elementary schools went to AMF Meadows Lanes in Hartford. I was trying to develop as a bowler because I was not that good. I will never forget December 25, 1988, I remember opening my present (an unexpected present) and I looked at it & it was a bowling bowl & 10 pins for kids ages 6-12. I was so excited & surprised at the same time! My mom & step-father surprised me with a wonderful gift like this on Christmas and I remember how grateful I was when I received it.